Lester's Custom Truck Shop
United States
Figure 1
*NOTE, For the DX949 only; If you do not use a separate SPDTCO switch, then the installation of the kit into a DX949 is NOT plug and play. See switch PCB modification below.
DX959, 949*, 939, 2547, Ranger 69X, 96X, Freedom-1, Replace X3 with the included xtal.
Figure 2
EPT069610Z,. If your PLL IC is labeled like the one in this pic “RCI 8719-97”. Do not replace X3. Instead, leave the original crystal in place and connect A14 to +5 volts. See Figure 1.
If your radio has the PLL IC labeled “RCI 8719-99” replace X3 with the included xtal.
1. Remove the top and bottom covers.
2. Unplug the multi colored cable, that comes from the channel selector board, at the main board for the V2. Remove it completely for the LC35. Refer to Figure 6.
Figure 6.
3. Plug the loose end of the short harness from J1 of the LesComm board into the channel selector board J301.
4. Connect the cable from J3 of the LesComm board to the connector on the main board- J33. See figure 2.
5. Unplug the ANL/NB connector from the radio board and plug it into the LC35 board, to the very left of the open side of the J2 connector. Make sure the key is facing the open side of J2.
It now becomes the Band switch.
*NOTE; If installing into a DX949, you must use a separate SPDTCO switch with the kit. DO NOT plug the ANL/NB connector into the LesComm board! DX949's have an un-isolated +8volts on the ANL/NB switch that must be isolated from the LesComm 5 volt buss or it will damage the cpu on the LC35.
To safely use the ANL/NB switch in a DX949, perform the modification shown in figure 9 & 9a below;
Figure 9.
Figure 9a.
5a. Find a suitable place to install the 10kc switch.
6. Mount the LesComm board.
7. Connect to power and power up the radio. STOP. Check for full coverage. If full coverage is present, proceed to Alignment section.
If not, proceed to step 8.
8. Place the NB/ANL (Or Band Toggle) switch in the HI channels position, channel selector on channel 1.
9. Check for the frequency of 27.415mhz. If not present, using a digital voltmeter, measure the voltage on pin 17 of the 8719 PLL chip. (Should be approximately 4 volts.)
10. Connect the voltmeter to test point 1 (Cathode of D1) on the LesComm board.
11. Adjust VR1 to match the voltage you measured on pin 17 of the PLL, minus .3volts.
Example; If you measured 4.65 volts on pin 17, set VR1 for 4.35 volts at TP 1.
Note: If using an MMB8719, set voltage .75 volts below pin 17.
12. Check for 27.41X. If not 27.41, repeat steps 9 through 11.
Use the alignment drawing below for adjustment locations.
Switch to Band Center, channel 1, Clarifier at the 12 o'clock position.
Using a Non-Metalic tool,
In the AM mode, adjust L20 for 26.9650 mhz.
In USB mode, adjust L21 for 26.9650 mhz.
In LSB mode, adjust L22 for 26.9650 mhz.
Reassemble your radio.
Ranger TR-199MK1 LC35 Instructions
-Set up the LC35 for a Cobra
-Unplug the Ch19 connector from the channel selector PC Board
-Add a jumper from Ground to the PLL side of the of the Ch Sw PC Board
-Use the 14.7321 xtal (not the 14.735)
-Use the Ch19 Switch for the +10Kc
26.515 | 27.145 | 1 | ||||||
26.525 | 27.155 | 2 | ||||||
26.535 | 27.165 | 3 | ||||||
26.545 | 27.175 | 3A | ||||||
26.555 | 27.185 | 4 | ||||||
26.565 | 27.195 | 5 | ||||||
26.575 | 27.205 | 6 | ||||||
26.585 | 27.215 | 7 | ||||||
26.595 | 27.225 | 7A | ||||||
26.605 | 27.235 | 8 | ||||||
26.615 | 27.245 | 9 | ||||||
26.625 | 27.255 | 10 | ||||||
26.635 | 27.265 | 11 | ||||||
26.645 | 27.275 | 11A | ||||||
26.655 | 27.285 | 12 | ||||||
26.665 | 27.295 | 13 | ||||||
26.675 | 27.305 | 14 | ||||||
26.685 | 27.315 | 15 | ||||||
26.695 | 27.325 | 15A | ||||||
26.705 | 27.335 | 16 | ||||||
26.715 | 27.345 | 17 | ||||||
26.725 | 27.355 | 18 | ||||||
26.735 | 27.365 | 19 | ||||||
26.745 | 27.375 | 19A | ||||||
26.755 | 27.385 | 20 | ||||||
26.765 | 27.395 | 21 | ||||||
26.775 | 27.405 | 22 | ||||||
26.785 | 27.415 | 24 | ||||||
26.795 | 27.425 | 25 | ||||||
26.805 | 27.435 | 23 | ||||||
26.815 | 27.445 | 26 | ||||||
26.825 | 27.455 | 27 | ||||||
26.835 | 27.465 | 28 | ||||||
26.845 | 27.475 | 29 | ||||||
26.855 | 27.485 | 30 | ||||||
26.865 | 27.495 | 31 | ||||||
26.875 | 27.505 | 32 | ||||||
26.885 | 27.515 | 33 | ||||||
26.895 | 27.525 | 34 | ||||||
26.905 | 27.535 | 35 | ||||||
26.915 | 27.545 | 36 | ||||||
26.925 | 27.555 | 37 | ||||||
26.935 | 27.565 | 38 | ||||||
26.945 | 27.575 | 39 | ||||||
26.955 | 27.585 | 40 | ||||||
26.965 | 27.595 | 1 | ||||||
26.975 | 27.605 | 2 | ||||||
26.985 | 27.615 | 3 | ||||||
26.995 | 27.625 | 3A | ||||||
27.005 | 27.635 | 4 | ||||||
27.015 | 27.645 | 5 | ||||||
27.025 | 27.655 | 6 | ||||||
27.035 | 27.665 | 7 | ||||||
27.045 | 27.675 | 7A | ||||||
27.055 | 27.685 | 8 | ||||||
27.065 | 27.695 | 9 | ||||||
27.075 | 27.705 | 10 | ||||||
27.085 | 27.715 | 11 | ||||||
27.095 | 27.725 | 11A | ||||||
27.105 | 27.735 | 12 | ||||||
27.115 | 27.745 | 13 | ||||||
27.125 | 27.755 | 14 | ||||||
27.135 | 27.765 | 15 | ||||||
27.145 | 27.775 | 15A | ||||||
27.155 | 27.785 | 16 | ||||||
27.165 | 27.795 | 17 | ||||||
27.175 | 27.805 | 18 | ||||||
27.185 | 27.815 | 19 | ||||||
27.195 | 27.825 | 19A | ||||||
27.205 | 27.835 | 20 | ||||||
27.215 | 27.845 | 21 | ||||||
27.225 | 27.855 | 22 | ||||||
27.235 | 27.865 | 24 | ||||||
27.245 | 27.875 | 25 | ||||||
27.255 | 27.885 | 23 | ||||||
27.265 | 27.895 | 26 | ||||||
27.275 | 27.905 | 27 | ||||||
27.285 | 27.915 | 28 | ||||||
27.295 | 27.925 | 29 | ||||||
27.305 | 27.935 | 30 | ||||||
27.315 | 27.945 | 31 | ||||||
27.325 | 27.955 | 32 | ||||||
27.335 | 27.965 | 33 | ||||||
27.345 | 27.975 | 34 | ||||||
27.355 | 27.985 | 35 | ||||||
27.365 | 27.995 | 36 | ||||||
27.375 | 28.005 | 37 | ||||||
27.385 | 28.015 | 38 | ||||||
27.395 | 28.025 | 39 | ||||||
27.405 | 28.035 | 40 | ||||||
27.415 | 28.045 | 1 | ||||||
27.425 | 28.055 | 2 | ||||||
27.435 | 28.065 | 3 | ||||||
27.445 | 28.075 | 3A | ||||||
27.455 | 28.085 | 4 | ||||||
27.465 | 28.095 | 5 | ||||||
27.475 | 28.105 | 6 | ||||||
27.485 | 28.115 | 7 | ||||||
27.495 | 28.125 | 7A | ||||||
27.505 | 28.135 | 8 | ||||||
27.515 | 28.145 | 9 | ||||||
27.525 | 28.155 | 10 | ||||||
27.535 | 28.165 | 11 | ||||||
27.545 | 28.175 | 11A | ||||||
27.555 | 28.185 | 12 | ||||||
27.565 | 28.195 | 13 | ||||||
27.575 | 28.205 | 14 | ||||||
27.585 | 28.215 | 15 | ||||||
27.595 | 28.225 | 15A | ||||||
27.605 | 28.235 | 16 | ||||||
27.615 | 28.245 | 17 | ||||||
27.625 | 28.255 | 18 | ||||||
27.635 | 28.265 | 19 | ||||||
27.645 | 28.275 | 19A | ||||||
27.655 | 28.285 | 20 | ||||||
27.665 | 28.295 | 21 | ||||||
27.675 | 28.305 | 22 | ||||||
27.685 | 28.315 | 24 | ||||||
27.695 | 28.325 | 25 | ||||||
27.705 | 28.335 | 23 | ||||||
27.715 | 28.345 | 26 | ||||||
27.725 | 28.355 | 27 | ||||||
27.735 | 28.365 | 28 | ||||||
27.745 | 28.375 | 29 | ||||||
27.755 | 28.385 | 30 | ||||||
27.765 | 28.395 | 31 | ||||||
27.775 | 28.405 | 32 | ||||||
27.785 | 28.415 | 33 | ||||||
27.795 | 28.425 | 34 | ||||||
27.805 | 28.435 | 35 | ||||||
27.815 | 28.445 | 36 | ||||||
27.825 | 28.455 | 37 | ||||||
27.835 | 28.465 | 38 | ||||||
27.845 | 28.475 | 39 | ||||||
27.855 | 28.485 | 40 |
Intellectual Property Rights Owner Lester's Custom Truck Shop
Intellectual Property
All Intellectual Property, as defined below, owned by or which is otherwise the property of LesComm or its respective suppliers relating to the LesComm kits, including but not limited to, accessories, parts, or software relating there to (the“Expa Kit System”), is proprietary to LesComm and protected under federal laws, state laws, and international treaty provisions. Intellectual Property includes, but is not limited to, inventions (patentable or unpatentable), patents, trade secrets, copyrights, software, computer programs, and related documentation and other works of authorship. You may not infringe or otherwise violate the rights secured by the Intellectual Property. Moreover, you agree that you will not (and will not attempt to) modify, prepare derivative works of, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to create source code from the software. No title to or ownership in the Intellectual Property is transferred to you. All applicable rights of the Intellectual Property shall remain with LesComm and its suppliers.
**Kit installation instructions may be used and printed by those actually installing a LesComm kit.
NOTE; ONCE INSTALLED A LESCOMM KIT CANNOT BE RETURNED. However, all LesComm kits come with a lifetime warranty. We will repair or replace the kit at our discretion. Simply return the kit to us. Kit failure due to incorrect installation is not covered.
Copyright Lester's Custom Truck Shop. All rights reserved.
Lester's Custom Truck Shop
United States