Lester's Custom Truck Shop
United States
8719-192-L-PLCC Uniden 858 KIT INSTRUCTIONS
The installation of the 858 kit requires soldering.
Radio must be in original condition, i.e., without channel mods.
Clarifier mod is OK.
CAUTION! Connecting your radio to the wrong set of connectors could permanently damage your radio!!
Verify radio is working properly. All modes, all channels.
Then remove the top and bottom covers to gain access inside the radio.
Locate the flexible cable coming from the channel selector and going to the radio main board.
Carefully pull this cable out of the connector while gently but firmly rocking it side to side.
We do this to prevent damaging the flex cable while we unsolder the connector.
We now need to unsolder the flex cable connector from the main radio board.
To do this we must unsolder and remove a shield that is in the way. Unsolder it at all four corners and set it aside. You will need a higher setting on your soldering iron.
Once you have removed the shield, unsolder and remove the connector.
You will need to attach the Channel Selector end of the J1 cable to this connector. See example below. Solder the connections before plugging the flex cable back in.
Now, we need to isolate pin 19 from the ground plane. This requires cutting the copper foil away from the pin. I recommend a Dremel with a tiny burr bit to do this with, but a razor blade will suffice..
Next you will install the main radio connector into the radio.
Take note of the silver or >>>>>> mark or orange wire.
This side goes towards the side of the radio.
Once you have this soldered in place, solder the designated wire from harness J3 to pin 19 on the top of the PLL IC.
Solder the Red wire from J3 connector to +8volts DC on the bottom of the mainboard close to the channel selector. As shown in the following picture.
Next, Solder the Flex Cable connector to the J1 Channel Selector end of the Harness connector.
insert the flex cable into the channel selector end of harness connector J1. Be careful to insert it the correct way. The exposed contacts must be toward the contacts in the connector.
Note the position of the plastic alignment pin of the flex cable connector and different color of the sides of the flex cable. Connect just like in the photos. Orange wire/silver mark of the LesComm cable, opposite this alignment pin. Solder the connections before plugging the flex cable back in.
You can use electrical tape or Hot Glue to ensure the cables do not separate as well as to electrically insulate the exposed connections.
Here are a couple of pictures showing the correct harness connections. Note the orientation of the board by the 3rd connector and voltage regulator.
Mount the board in a convenient location.
Mount the switches in a location of your choosing.
Next, on the bottom of the board, broadband the radio by making the changes noted to L37.
Isolate the center pins as shown.
Connect the outside pins as shown.
You will need to adjust this coil for an even spread from top to bottom.
Lastly, re-install the shield you removed to gain access to the Flex cable connector solder.
Special notes.
On LOW RANGE, band 1, channels 1 & 2 do not produce an output from the PLL. Logical addresses 0 &1 are reserved by the manufacturer as the location of the chip i.d., chip manufacturer and related info. It will produce an illegal output code when these addresses are selected.
The Range changes between channel 7 and 8 on band 3. So to get to the next frequency in sequence, you will need to switch to HIGH RANGE (1 Mhz Up) on channel 8, band 3. And vice versa going down. See chart below.
Power up the radio and test coverage from top to bottom.
If all is well, re-install your covers and enjoy your work!
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All Intellectual Property, as defined below, owned by or which is otherwise the property of LesComm or its respective suppliers relating to the LesComm kits, including but not limited to, accessories, parts, or software relating there to (the“Expa Kit System”), is proprietary to LesComm and protected under federal laws, state laws, and international treaty provisions. Intellectual Property includes, but is not limited to, inventions (patentable or unpatentable), patents, trade secrets, copyrights, software, computer programs, and related documentation and other works of authorship. You may not infringe or otherwise violate the rights secured by the Intellectual Property. Moreover, you agree that you will not (and will not attempt to) modify, prepare derivative works of, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to create source code from the software. No title to or ownership in the Intellectual Property is transferred to you. All applicable rights of the Intellectual Property shall remain with LesComm and its suppliers.
**Kit installation instructions may be used and printed by those actually installing a LesComm kit.
NOTE; ONCE INSTALLED A LESCOMM KIT CANNOT BE RETURNED. However, all LesComm kits come with a lifetime warranty. We will repair or replace the kit at our discretion. Simply return the kit to us. Kit failure due to incorrect installation is not covered.
Copyright Lester's Custom Truck Shop. All rights reserved.
Lester's Custom Truck Shop
United States