Lester's Custom Truck Shop
United States
This module should only be installed by a competent technician. video help; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p508ofABSqs
PC122/(146GTL part #'s)
1. Most important! Make sure the radio works in all modes on every channel. Both transmit and receive.
2. Be sure to note the PLL IC2's orientation and then remove IC2. Install the LC2824 in it's place. "V" denotes pin 1.
3. Remove R86, R87. Replace R95/(R93) with a 3.3K resistor.
4. Replace D19/(D25) with the enclosed SV251 varactor.
5. Parallel D19/(D25) on the bottom with the second SV251 varactor. You can try to insert both from the top if you like. Looking at the part number side of the varactor, the cathode is on the right, where the "1" is located.
6. Next parallel on the bottom C72/(C75) with the enclosed 68pf cap. Or replace C72/(C75) with a 115 to 120pf cap.
6a. Add a 4.7K resistor between pin 19 and pin 21(Gnd).
7. Connect the +8 wire to the center leg of TR35, +8vdc regulator.
Stop here and power on the radio. Adjust L13/(L14) for full coverage. Note some radio's will not cover the whole range, no matter how much you adjust. Most should at least go down to 26.505 and up to 28.005. If the frequency isn't stable, adjust L38/(L13) for max output at TP4 on 27.205 AM mode.
8. If desired, Connect a wire from the TX/RX LED on the display board to an +8volt receive only source. (Collector of TR31, 2SB525). This turns on the blue LED in receive.
9. Remove the faceplate and then remove the display PC Board.
**Remember that the On/Off/Volume control must be unsoldered from the control PC Board. It is mounted to the faceplate, not the PCB like the rest.
PC122, TRC465
10. Remove all of the resistors located on the Channel-Selector/Display PCB except the 1k ohm resistor located next to the ribbon cable just under "uniden" for the TX LED.
11. Install the new Display PCB in the old ones place. Plug in the display connector from the LC2824smt to the new dispaly board.
PC122 Blue only. Now gently lift the faceplate decal/label over the display LED and remove the RED filter. The clear area on the decal will protect the display and allow the Blue numbers to shine through. A blue sheet cut to the correct size works great as a replacement for the red filter.
For the 146GTL/PC244/AR144 etc.
10. Remove the original 2 digit display. Edge cut the holes using a small drill bit. Be sure all of the holes are isolated from the pc board runs.
11. Insert the new 3 digit in the old display's holes. Be sure the decimal points are at the bottom.
11a. Insert the pins through the Piggyback board and solder in place. Plug the display connector into the Piggyback board.
12 Test your work. If all is well, reassemble. And enjoy your new radio. If you ordered the frequency counter harness kit, go to step 25 for install instructions.
146GTL/PC244 illustration
Step 25. Counter harness connections. (146GTL)
Intellectual Property Rights Owner Lester's Custom Truck Shop
Intellectual Property
All Intellectual Property, as defined below, owned by or which is otherwise the property of LesComm or its respective suppliers relating to the LesComm kits, including but not limited to, accessories, parts, or software relating there to (the“Expa Kit System”), is proprietary to LesComm and protected under federal laws, state laws, and international treaty provisions. Intellectual Property includes, but is not limited to, inventions (patentable or unpatentable), patents, trade secrets, copyrights, software, computer programs, and related documentation and other works of authorship. You may not infringe or otherwise violate the rights secured by the Intellectual Property. Moreover, you agree that you will not (and will not attempt to) modify, prepare derivative works of, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to create source code from the software. No title to or ownership in the Intellectual Property is transferred to you. All applicable rights of the Intellectual Property shall remain with LesComm and its suppliers.
**Kit installation instructions may be used and printed by those actually installing a LesComm kit.
NOTE; ONCE INSTALLED A LESCOMM KIT CANNOT BE RETURNED. However, all LesComm kits come with a lifetime warranty. We will repair or replace the kit at our discretion. Simply return the kit to us. Kit failure due to incorrect installation is not covered.
Copyright Lester's Custom Truck Shop. All rights reserved.
Lester's Custom Truck Shop
United States